Cotton Bonnet
"The great vogue of the
cotton bonnet
started towards the end of the XVIIe century, but it is
then a middle-class hairstyle, for night... Middle-class men often cover it with an envelope of
fabric which they tie and adorn with a node of tinted
ribbon, like Argan in the Hypochondriac (Le Malade
imaginaire by Moliere)... However the cotton bonnet was
soon adopted by craftsmen and Norman peasants
were to adopt it in their turn, towards the middle of the XVIIIe century... For the man working in fields, it is
an adherent hairstyle which one can double, tightening
the head well, covering the ears and preserving them
against intense cold. Under the first Empire, the cotton
bonnet was in such a favour that Norman women
adopted it also with pleasure. That did not prevent from
wearing the beautiful caps... on Sundays. But ... |
The cotton bonnet which
the female coquettery would enjoliver, was then so very
fashionable that women wore it ... even in Churches! The clergy protested against this negligence in
the behaviour and fulminated against the cotton bonnet,
qualified as an "abominable hairstyle".
Thence in those
days, there were in Normandy two parties ...
Pros and cons
How did men and women,
especially all over Normandy, adopt this universal
fashion of the "pacific cascameche"? Well, because since
old times, the cotton bonnet was manufactured in
►Falaise, which, before being the city of
William-the-Conqueror, was the capital of the cotton
bonnet !"
Source G.Dubosc, 1929
A few lovely Norman
! |