Redaction :

These synthetic pages are
objectable, it is with pleasure that I will correct the errors
tell them to me ... nicely !
Sources and bibliography :

Mainly : The Charters of Jumieges
before 1121, Histoire ecclesiastique
by OD:Orderic Vital,
Histoire de France by
FEM:François-Eudes de Mezeray
History of the Abbey of Jumieges 1760
by anonymous monk edited 1880-85 by l'abbe Loth,
Essai Historique sur la cathédrale et le chapitre de
Séez par H Marais et H Beaudouin 1876
Nouvelle Histoire de Normandie par André LaFresnaye/Benoit de Sainte-More,
France/Arrigo Caterino Davila/Monfieur l'Abbé M***",
Vimoutiers by
C:Courmaceul 1816,
G:Guillemeth 1847,
Géographie de l'Orne CG:C.Gautier 1867,
Vimoutiers by
B:Brion 1869, AP:A.Pernelle
JB:Jean Bard 1948, Charlotte Corday by Joseph Shearing
History of the linen
AB:A.Bell 1955, Jadis en Pays d'Auge JC:J.Chennebois &
MC:M.Campion 1985.
National Geographic magazine, "Camembert, a national myth" P. Boisard 1992,
Historical Society of Vimoutiers, le blog de Gérard Roger,
ADPE Pont de Vie, le Centre historique des Archives Nationales,
Le Patrimoine National, BNF,
IGN, CNAM, the web,
links, a few narratives, my
research works, and so on ....
... the
vintage cards :

They are my collection. My wish is no other than
to offer to you a stroll in the past,
and ... fortunately maybe,
to enable you to recognize a face ,
a silhouette, a signboard ... t'was yesterday.
Should you wish to copy one
(1) of them for your
website, your forum or your favourite social network,
you may provided that you do not commercialize/market it, you mention the source
and create an operational link to
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slideshow with no link possible, add the hereunder picture.
Any other copy, any marketing and any sales forbidden, thanks for your fair play.

This website is copyrighted

"Wow, all that is only
chitchat but at the same time, it appears that it had to be written"