Les Bains-Douches

ie Public
bath and shower facilities built in 1931, located rue Crestey. Factually, the rue Crestey goes
along the market place opposite to the Halle. It was previously named rue du Fais-Cuit. After June 14, 1944, the Public bath were
settled rue Louis Pasteur in the building
which initially, in 1862, was a School and then, still nowadays, the
School of Music
Pierre Crestey fonded the Hospice of
At the
railway station

inside the bags ? ...
apples !
Inaugurated on Dec 31st, 1881, closed to travelers on May 5, 1938, desmolished in October, 2006. Railways original map aka "Interbifur".
Se also
THE bus !
communale des garçons

Boys school, inaugurated on September the 1st, 1891
The school nowadays
La maison "Poste & Télégraphes"

"Until the XVIIIth century, no service, the letters were collected at the canvas and cretonne shop (twice a week)
and were delivered to recipients when encuntered.
1783, first approach for a post office. 1792, first Postmaster.
Finally in 1820, a daily service is created after repeated requests by the village merchants"
The place nowadays
The Post Office nowadays