2nd Eglise Notre-Dame
Notre-Dame nowadays
In 1888, Abbe Jenvrin
has just died, Abbe Bisson succeeds to him and just behind the old
Eglise Saint Sauveur, in the
Monks yard
(map1779), is laid the first stone of the present
Notre-Dame de l’Assomption,
Church of our Lady of the Assumption. The financing is
possible thanks to private donations, the main craftsmen are
the architect Frangeul, the entrepreneur
Fourcade, the sculptor Marle and the painter/stained glass manufacturer
The architecture for this
Church,of a
neo gothic/Gothic revival style, made of
granite, limestone and ashlar, is the Latin-cross plan and the
Patrimonial Inventory describes it as follows : "Choir and vaults covered
by polygonal hips, aisles covered by sloping roofs, 2 sacristies.
themes of Representation are :
- The Immaculate Conception,on the western gable,
- The theological virtues (Faith,
Hope, Charity)
on the 3 tympanum of the western elevation,
- Fabulous animals, on the
- Local flora and apples on
the capitals,
Pope Leon XIII and
Monseigneur Tregaro's arms, on the tympanum of the doors of the sacristies.
- The arms of the
Jumieges Abbey on the left part.
The church is blessed solemnly in 1896 by Monseigneur Tregaro,
Bishop of Sees whereas in 1897, the
Church of Notre-Dame is demolished.
In 1905, the large organ, ordered in 1898 to
Aristide Cavaille-Coll/Charles Mutin, is inaugurated. It will be electrified under the responsability of Mr Moulin, curate, and then restored and modified in
1952 by Mr Lambert, organ-builder in Le Mans. Classified as a "French Romantic
Organ", with 3 keyboards and 2000 pipes, this organ is the most important one in
the departement of Orne.
Neither the parvis nor the
stained glasses offered by the Industrialist
Monsieur Eugene Laniel
and manufactured by the glassmaker,
Claudius Lavergne, will withstand the
bombardments of June 14th in 1944 ... Then it is the Master glassmaker
Gabriel Loire, who will assume this further realization financed by the
municipality and the
Pilot clubs of Chicago and Philadelphia. Mr Launay is
Curate of Vimoutiers. The realization
is carried out in the spirit of the Middle Ages and the colourings of the gothic
cathedrals :
Des ateliers Loire à
l'Eglise de Vimoutiers
(by pupils of Vimoutiers - in French but many pictures)
Pehaps, some pieces indexed in
this Church come from the
1st Church of Notre-Dame
such as chalices, ciborium, ostensorium, and furnitures dated from the
beginning of the XIXth century. Also
in this anteriority, a
painting of Sainte Madeleine dated
1665 by the painter
Nicolas Chevillard, from Macon, a work
influenced by the Bolognese School and of which there is an ancient copy
in the Church of Saint Romain in Rouen. It seems that the conditions of its
presence in the Church of Notre-Dame remain mysterious.

vitraux de Notre-Dame
vitraux de Notre-Dame
orgues de Notre-Dame
ASONDV Join the Association for the preservation of the organ of Notre-Dame de Vimoutiers

An extraordinary photography ... :
This is an extraordinary picture taken in the snow, probably in 1893. By zooming, it can be seen that neither bells, stained-glass windows, clock, nor tympana over doors are existing.
Planks block the entrances. It may be thought that this was the period during which work was interrupted for lack of funds, namely the winter of 1893
video par
web-tv-diocesedeseez with Marion
Blondeel's help
In the organ gallery of Notre Dame de
Vimoutiers, technical and artistic encounter with
François Lebedel , one of the
Organists of the parish of St Benoit in Pays d'Auge ......
This cantata was written on the six notes of Vimoutiers' bells composed of a Bourdon and five bells ringing, beginning with the Bourdon: la, re, mi, fa sol, la.
P. Monnier
Sources and bibliography